Welcome to seldom documentation! ============================================ Web UI/HTTP automated testing framework based on unittest. Features: * Provide scaffolding to quickly generate automated test items * Start and close the browser globally, reducing the number of browser launches * Provides support for multiple data file parameterization * Support for use case failure/error reruns * Automatically generate HTML test reports * Support for HTTP interface testing (v 2.0) Using `seldom` to write test Web UI automation tests is very simple. .. code:: py import seldom class YouTest(seldom.TestCase): def test_case(self): """a simple test case """ self.open("https://www.baidu.com") self.type(id_="kw", text="seldom") self.click(css="#su") self.assertInTitle("seldom") if __name__ == '__main__': seldom.main() User guide =============== .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 rst_docs/installation rst_docs/create_project rst_docs/quick_start rst_docs/seldom_api rst_docs/advanced rst_docs/other rst_docs/http rst_docs/db_operation Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`